Monday, July 25, 2011

A Requiem for the Law

What is a crime ? A man murdering another for a third person's purposes ? Or a person robbing someone in bright daylight ? Or a man taking the very soul of a woman by scarring her body forever ? Yes, these are crimes. But I ask again, what is a 'crime' ? Surely the answer is as simple as something that breaks the law. And what law exactly are we talking about exactly ? The law set by men to govern the society ? The law of men in power, that changes with the man sitting on the throne ? The law which can be bent and broken, only to be mended or changed. Yes, that is the 'law'. But I ask again, what is the 'law'...

It is the law of nature, the very law that put man on this planet in the first place. Yet, so often we break this law, that its existence does not even matter any more. What is a crime, I ask again. A crime is when a father beats his own child for failures that he does not understand. A crime is when a son deserts his own parent, the very parent that brought him into the world, when he becomes a liability to his wallet or his watch. A crime is when a man beats his wife, when he is too drunk to realize what he's doing. A crime is when a kid's dreams are crushed by those whom he looks up to for the spark to ignite his aspirations. A crime is when a man is left hungry, without any means to live. A crime is when a baby is left at another man's doorstep, tearless because it can't shed one yet.

A crime is when we live for us, and not for others..

A crime is when we stop believing in ourselves..

A crime is when we stop aspiring..

A crime is when we stop caring..


But then I ask again, what is a crime ?

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