Saturday, July 23, 2011


Today I felt something that I haven't felt in a long time and frankly, I'd forgotten what it felt like up until today. It's a void, an emptiness which starts in the pit of my stomach and crawls its way up into my heart. I felt 'weird', so to speak, at seeing a friend for one last time,knowing that I might not be able to meet him for a very long time. I've done this before, parted ways only to find that both ways lead to the same crossroads, and then parted ways again. However, this time it was not that simple. At least it didn't feel like it. I know we'll become busy next year after college ends for the summers, making it really difficult to make any sort of plan together. He might not even come to the city the next year, and who knows, I might not either. The last time I felt something like this was when I was leaving home for my college, almost 2500 kms away. It was justified then.

I just can't justify it this time.

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