Tuesday, July 19, 2011

"I Want To Tell You A Story About Dreams.."

"The boy's name was Santiago..", is how the book started and ended with him saying "I'm coming Fatima". In between, it taught me a lot, more than what I had expected to gather from this harmless little book that I picked up from my dusty bookshelf yesterday night. Even if I didn't have an epiphany, atleast it made me realize a few things, gave me a few valuable lessons and raised a few important questions in my mind.

It discusses something called the Soul of the World, something that connects each and every being, living or non-living, in existence. A small grain of sand is at one with every single drop of the oceans through the Soul of the World, this great fabric that weaves its way through our universe. The author of the book says our hearts our part of this fabric, and if our heart truly wants something, every single thread on this fabric will conspire to bring our desire to us. It's not that outlandish an idea, is it now? There have always been times when each and every one of us have wanted something so much, it somehow finds its way into our lives when we least expect it. Strikes a chord, doesn't it? If your thoughts, your emotions, your desires are strong enough, nothing can stop you from reaching what is meant to be yours. After all, everything is written or maktub.

I found this idea very interesting, apart from many others that the book presents. It's forced me to believe that I have a treasure out there, waiting to be discovered by me. Oh, and for those of you who're wondering which book i've been ranting about - it's The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.

1 comment:

Sunit Baheti said...

and i also love the way it tells about the beginners luck! Truly an awesome book!