Sunday, January 16, 2011

Death of a Taurean

I woke up to my Facebook profile set alight by updates on star signs. Most of them had frowns attached with them, as if it was universally accepted 'bad news'. This caught my curiosity. Like all intellectuals on the planet, I decide to google the words "star signs news" and look for a source to satisfy my curiosity. My curiosity was satisfied, and I soon had a frown on my face too. Apparently, my star sign had changed. I, a Taurean, was not a Taurean anymore. I belonged to the star sign 'Aries'. I don't even know what those people are called. Arians, perhaps ?

I thought about it for a moment. I was confused, thoroughly confused. How could the star signs have changed ? How could there be a new star sign in the middle of the calendar ? Did they miss the set of stars when they were doing their astronomy hocus-pocus ? I was devastated. What I was confused about was that I had lived all my life being stereotyped as a Taurean, and living up to it for the most part, but now was I supposed to spring out a whole new personality with a new set of vices and virtues that fall under the Aries stereotype, or was it one big cosmic mistake in the first place. Were they wrong all along, and had they finally gotten it right, or are they making something out of nothing this time around. I was lost. Could this really be happening ? I was getting end-of-the-world images in my mind ! ...Alright, maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration.

Then, I had an epiphany - and it's not the name of some fancy sandwich. I was not ready to be governed by some extremely random set of stars. There was more to life than that, living under guidance from utter bullshit. I was not ready to be part of this interstellar street play. I was not going to be stereotyped anymore. Hence, I became me. And then I had some coffee to clear my head.

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