Sunday, March 31, 2013

Life's Bookkeeping

Anyone even remotely in touch with the field of finance, whether student or master, will tell you that your accounts must always be balanced. Well, I've done a little bit of finance myself and rest assured - unbalanced accounts leads directly to bad grades, so yeah, I abide by what they say - to the letter.

Now what those people will not tell you is this does not just apply to finance and accounting, it goes much deeper than that - you could call it some kind of a universal rule. Whatever we do, whomsoever we affect or influence, there are consequences. If we don't act on those consequences, we're keeping the accounts of our lives unbalanced. And what happens when accounts are unbalanced ? Yes - bad grades.

There might be things that lend us to believe that inactivity is "best for everyone involved". Let me tell you something - I've heard fewer things more ludicrous than that omnipresent phrase. Running away from a situation does not mean solving it. Let's face it - everybody wants closure. There's no point keeping our accounts open when all the entries in our book tend to become liabilities.

So go out there and make amends. Don't be scared - it's a good feeling, trust me ! Close all your accounts and you shall live without a fear or a regret all your life. Grow some balls and seize the day - Carpe diem and all that jazz.

Saturday, March 30, 2013


It's been 1 year, 5 months and 2 days (and a few hours, perhaps, but let's not get into a detailed discussion) since I last posted absolutely ANYTHING on this blog. It was a time of my life where the smallest things inspired me to express my feelings about them - about anything. And these feelings converted themselves to words. All I had to do was switch on some music and my fingers would do the rest, as if having a life of their own.

What brings me back, I here you asking ? Well, let's just say a little bird chirped something in my ear. Once more, I have reason to find a little bit of inspiration, just enough to express myself again. Will I write as frequently as before ? I'm not too sure, really. Will I write ? I hope so.

As I said, it HAS been quite a while. Different experiences, different feelings, different people have changed me just enough to make me look interesting again. There are a lot of things I want to write about, and there are different things that I will write. For now, I request you to take your seats, get that tub-o-popcorn and cola. I'll try to make it as entertaining as can be. :)