Thursday, April 7, 2011

Compensatory - Bane as a Boon

This is the note which I write not out of joy, not out of sorrow, not out of contemplation but out of sheer exhaustion from the endless whining and crying of my college mates all around me. Let me give a brief intro to what I am talking about. The system of internal assessments in my college is pretty screwed up, or so most people say. After two sets of compulsory internals, we get a set of compensatory internals. The college says this third set is for those who have missed one of the two previous ones due to a very, VERY strong reason, say, lying on your deathbed? Alright. Exaggeration. However, a medical certificate or a day off to represent your college somewhere would be a good enough reason. Now therein lays the loophole. These can be faked. And these are faked – often.

People say that you could sit for some internals in the compulsory ones and the others in the compensatory ones and glide through them since you have less to work with. They are true, to an extent. However, the syllabus is considerably larger in the compensatory tests which make it slightly tougher to score in. And it’s all a bit of laziness of sorts. I say you study your head out in the regular tests, and then take it easy during the optionals. Of course if you screw up real bad in one of the tests, you can bend the rules and take the compensatory. Now THAT would be ethical enough to be called ethical. Although, it’d still be illegal. Alright, back on track.

The college has recently issued a notice stating that whoever does not have a reason to miss the regular internals, will strictly not be allowed to take the optional one. Earlier, the college was pretty lenient with this rule and this made the students lenient too. Not good. Now those taking it easy are finding it very difficult to face the reality. Begging and crying for the extra test is literally embarrassing. The whole situation is embarrassing. Why couldn’t you people just rough it out in the first place? Stop whining now. And stop cursing the authorities – they need to follow some rules too.

I end this argument (one-sided all the way) by saying that I have strived to finish my due in the tests given to me by my more than generous college and I have not a single worry in this world when it comes to my marks. Heaven and B.S. help those who have not. Regards, an exhausted kid.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Many people's present state of mind is beautifully dismantled by my dear friend...great job..:):)